journal recycling

What to Do with Old Journals: Creative Ideas & Uses

As a professional copywriting journalist, I know the value of keeping a journal. However, as time passes, old journals can pile up and take up valuable space. So, what can you do with them? Luckily, there are plenty of creative and practical uses for old journals that will preserve your memories and even create new ones.

In this article, we will explore various ways to repurpose, recycle, preserve, sell, and donate old journals. We will also provide inspiration for creative journaling projects and storage ideas.

Key Takeaways:

  • Old journals can be repurposed for art projects, decoupage, and collages.
  • Preserving old journals requires proper storage techniques, such as acid-free boxes and archival sleeves.
  • Consider selling or donating old journals to individuals or organizations that may find value in them.
  • Creative uses for old journals include DIY crafts, scrapbooking, and journaling projects.

Journal Recycling: Give Your Old Journals New Life

If you’re anything like me, you’ve amassed quite the collection of old journals over the years. And while it’s tempting to simply toss them in the trash, there are many creative ways to recycle them and give them new life.

One great way to repurpose old journals is to use them as materials for art projects. You can tear out pages and use them for collages, decoupage, or even as background textures for paintings. The possibilities are endless, and the unique look and feel of the old paper can add a layer of depth to your artwork.

Tip: Before you start tearing out pages, make sure to check for any writing or artwork that you want to preserve. You can use a white eraser to gently remove any pencil marks, or carefully cut around important sections with an X-Acto knife.

Another fun idea is to create your own unique journal by repurposing different pages from your old ones. You can mix and match textures and colors, and even incorporate different binding styles to create a truly one-of-a-kind notebook.

When it comes to recycling old journals, the possibilities really are endless. So instead of throwing them away, get creative and give them a second life!

journal recycling

Journal Preservation: Keep Your Memories Intact

Preserving old journals is crucial for maintaining our memories and ensuring they withstand the test of time. Here are some tips to help keep your journals in top condition:

Tip Description
Proper Storage Store your journals in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Use acid-free boxes or archival sleeves to protect them from moisture or dust.
Digital Preservation Create digital copies of your journals for added protection. Scan the pages or take pictures of them and store the files on a secure digital platform.
Repair Damaged Pages If your journal has pages that are torn or damaged, use acid-free tape to repair them. Be gentle and avoid using regular tape, as it may cause further damage.
Repair Binding If the binding of your journal is loose or damaged, use acid-free glue to repair it. Make sure the glue is dry before handling the journal again.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your old journals remain intact for years to come. Not only will you be able to revisit your memories, but future generations will also be able to learn from your experiences.

journal preservation

Selling Old Journals: Turning Memories into Cash

Do you have a collection of old journals that you no longer need or want? Consider selling them to turn those memories into cash. There are various methods and platforms for selling old journals, and with the right approach, you can make a profit while freeing up storage space.

First, you should estimate the value of your old journals. Factors such as the age, condition, rarity, and content of the journals can affect their worth. Researching similar journals that have sold on online marketplaces or at auctions can give you an idea of their value.

One popular platform for selling vintage and antique items is Etsy. You can create a listing for your journals and set your own price. Ensure to provide clear and honest descriptions, including any flaws or damage. Including high-quality photos can attract potential buyers and give them a better sense of the journals’ condition and contents.

You can also try selling your old journals on eBay, Craigslist, or local Buy/Sell/Trade Facebook groups. These platforms allow you to reach a wider audience and potentially receive more offers. Ensure to take necessary precautions when selling on these platforms, such as meeting potential buyers in a public place or requiring payment upfront.

If you have a large collection of valuable or historically significant journals, you can consider contacting antique stores or auction houses. These venues can provide professional appraisal services and may offer to sell your journals on consignment. You should research the store or auction house beforehand to ensure they specialize in journals or related items.

Alternatively, you can donate your old journals to organizations or individuals that may find value in them, such as historical societies or local libraries. Donating can provide a sense of satisfaction and contribute to preserving history and memories.

selling old journals

Remember that selling old journals can be a time-consuming process, but with patience and research, it can be a rewarding way to declutter and earn money. By finding the right platform and appealing to potential buyers, you can turn your old journals into a valuable commodity.

Donating Old Journals: Sharing Your Stories

If you are looking for a way to give back and share your journals with others, donating them is a great option. By donating your old journals, you can help preserve history and provide insights into particular time periods or experiences.

One way to donate your journals is to give them to a library or museum that specializes in collecting and preserving historical documents.

Pros Cons
  • Access to preservation equipment and techniques
  • Expert knowledge in handling and storing documents
  • Free service
  • May not have interest in personal journals
  • May require certain criteria for donations
  • Journals may not be accessible for personal viewing

Another option is to donate your journals to a school, university, or historical society. These organizations may use your journals for research purposes or educational exhibits.

Pros Cons
  • Contribute to educational and research purposes
  • May lead to new discoveries or insights
  • May offer opportunities for personal viewing or participation in events
  • May require certain criteria for donations
  • May not have adequate storage or preservation methods
  • Journals may not be accessible for personal viewing

If you are looking for a more personal touch, consider donating your journals to a friend or family member who may find value in them. This can be a wonderful way to keep memories alive and pass on stories for generations to come.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi

donating old journals

Creative Uses for Old Journals: Unleash Your Artistic Side

If you’re feeling crafty and want to transform your old journals into something beautiful and unique, there are countless creative options to explore. Whether you want to create DIY crafts, scrapbook pages, or artistic collages, your old journals can be the perfect starting point for unleashing your inner artist.

One idea is to use your old journal pages as background materials for mixed media art projects. You can tear out pages and use them as the base for a painting, or collage other materials onto the pages to create a layered effect. Using old journal pages in this way adds depth and texture to your artwork, and gives a sense of history and personal meaning to the piece.

Creative Uses for Old Journals

Another option is to use your old journals to create unique and personalized greeting cards. Cut out favorite words or images from journal pages and glue them onto blank cardstock, adding your own personal message. These cards make great gifts, and the sentimentality of using old journal pages will be appreciated by the recipient.

For those who enjoy scrapbooking, old journals can be an excellent source of inspiration for creating unique layouts. Use photos, ticket stubs, and other memorabilia from the time period of the journal to create a page that tells a story and captures a moment in time. The journal itself can also be incorporated into the layout as a design element.

If you’re feeling adventurous, try turning your old journals into a piece of 3D art. Fold pages into origami shapes or use the pages to create paper mache sculptures. The possibilities are endless, and the final product will be a one-of-a-kind work of art that honors your memories.

Journal Storage Ideas: Organize and Declutter

When it comes to storing your old journals, there are several options depending on your preferences and available space. Here are some creative journal storage ideas to help you organize and declutter:

  • Invest in a bookshelf or storage trunk specifically for your journals, keeping them in one place for easy access and display.
  • Use decorative boxes or baskets to store your journals on shelves or in closets, adding some visual interest to your storage solution.
  • Create a scrapbook or album using your favorite pages from multiple journals, allowing you to condense your collection and preserve your most cherished memories.
  • If you have limited space, consider scanning your journals and storing digital copies on your computer or a cloud-based storage service.

Whichever method you choose, be sure to keep your journals away from direct sunlight, moisture, and extreme temperatures to prevent damage over time.

journal storage ideas

Creative Writing Prompts: Jumpstart Your Journaling

Journaling can be an excellent way to process and reflect on your experiences, emotions, and thoughts. However, it can be challenging to come up with new topics to write about regularly. That’s where creative writing prompts come in handy!

Here are some prompts to inspire your journaling:

  • Write about a person who has influenced your life.
  • Describe a place that holds special meaning to you.
  • Reflect on a time when you overcame a significant challenge.
  • Write about a goal you have for your future and what steps you are taking to achieve it.
  • Reflect on a moment of kindness you experienced recently.
  • Write about a time when you felt proud of yourself.
  • Describe your ideal day.
  • Reflect on a time when you learned a valuable lesson.
  • Write about a book, movie, or song that has impacted you.

Use these prompts as a starting point for your journaling, and remember that there is no right or wrong way to journal. Your writing is personal and unique, so let your voice shine through!

Journaling ideas

“The writer only begins a book. The reader finishes it.” – Samuel Johnson

Writing in a journal can be a fulfilling and therapeutic activity. With these creative writing prompts, you can keep your journaling fresh and interesting. So grab a pen and start writing!

Digital Journaling: Embrace the Modern Age

As a writer and a tech-savvy person, I have found digital journaling to be an exciting and convenient way to keep track of my thoughts and experiences. Thanks to the proliferation of apps and software, anyone with a smartphone, tablet, or computer can start digital journaling.

One of the biggest benefits of digital journaling is the ability to easily organize and search through your entries. With features such as tags, categories, and search functions, you can quickly find specific entries or topics.

Another advantage of digital journaling is the ability to add multimedia elements, such as photos, videos, and audio recordings, to your entries. This can make your journal more engaging and bring your memories to life.

Some popular digital journaling apps include Day One, Journey, and Penzu. These apps offer various features, such as end-to-end encryption, cloud syncing, and integration with other apps and devices.

What to do with old journals

While digital journaling offers many benefits, it’s important to remember that it’s not a replacement for traditional journaling methods. There’s something special about putting pen to paper and physically recording your thoughts and feelings.

I recommend keeping a balance between digital and traditional journaling. Use digital journaling when it’s more convenient or when you want to add multimedia elements, but also take time to sit down with a blank notebook and reflect on your day or experiences.

Secton 10: Journal Art Exhibitions and Competitions: Showcasing Your Talent

Participating in journal art exhibitions and competitions is a great way to showcase your talent and creativity. These events provide a platform for artists to display their works to a wider audience and receive recognition for their efforts.

There are many exhibitions and competitions dedicated to journal art, ranging from local to international events. These events accept a variety of journal art forms, including memoirs, scrapbooking, collages, and mixed media art.

To enter a competition or exhibition, you will need to prepare your entries in advance according to the submission guidelines provided. Remember to follow the guidelines closely to ensure that your entry is eligible for consideration.

Attending journal art exhibitions can also be an excellent source of inspiration and learning. You can study the works of other artists and gain insight into their techniques and creative process. You may also have the opportunity to attend talks and workshops by established artists, which can help you further develop your journaling skills.

Whether you’re a seasoned journal artist or just starting, participating in journal art exhibitions and competitions can be a rewarding experience. It can help you gain recognition for your talent, connect with other artists, and continue to develop your skills and creativity.

journal art exhibition

Journaling Communities and Workshops: Connect and Learn

If you’re looking to connect with other journal enthusiasts, joining a journaling community or attending a workshop can be a great way to do so. Not only can you share experiences and learn from others, but you can also gain new perspectives on your own journaling practice.

There are many online communities dedicated to journaling, such as Facebook groups or Reddit pages. These communities allow you to connect with others from the comfort of your own home and easily share your own work or seek feedback and advice.

In-person workshops or classes are also a great way to connect with others and learn new skills. Look for local art centers or community centers that offer journaling classes, or search for workshops at retreats or conferences.

Attending a journaling workshop or retreat can provide a more immersive experience, where you can fully focus on your journaling practice and connect with others who share your passion. You may even discover new techniques or styles that you had never considered before.

Journaling Workshops

Remember, the journaling community is a supportive and welcoming one, so don’t be afraid to reach out and connect with others. Together, we can inspire and encourage each other to create and grow through journaling.


In conclusion, old journals are not simply pieces of paper filled with words; they hold memories, emotions, and stories that are worth cherishing and utilizing. Whether you choose to recycle, preserve, sell, donate, or repurpose your old journals, there are countless ways to give them new life and meaning.

Take Action Today

As you read through the different creative ideas and uses presented in this article, I hope you found inspiration and motivation to take action. Start by gathering all your old journals and deciding which ones you want to keep and which ones you want to repurpose or donate. Then, explore the various options available and find the ones that best resonate with you.

Remember, journaling is not only a personal practice but also a creative and social one. Connect with others in journaling communities, attend workshops, and participate in exhibitions and competitions to showcase your talent and continue learning.

Final Thoughts

As a professional copywriting journalist, I have seen firsthand the power and value of journaling. It helps us reflect, process, and express our thoughts and emotions in a safe and private space.

So, don’t let your old journals collect dust in a forgotten corner. Instead, embrace the different creative ideas and uses presented in this article and give them new life and meaning. Your future self will thank you for it.



