repurposing old karate belts

What to Do with Old Karate Belts: Creative Ideas & Tips

As a martial arts enthusiast, I know firsthand how important it is to honor and preserve the memories of our martial arts journey. Karate belts hold significant sentimental value, representing our hard work, dedication, and progress over time. Instead of letting old karate belts collect dust in a forgotten corner, there are many creative ways to repurpose them into meaningful keepsakes or functional items. In this article, I will explore various options for repurposing old karate belts, providing step-by-step instructions, tips, and inspiration for making the most out of these cherished mementos.

Key Takeaways

  • Old karate belts hold significant sentimental value and can be repurposed into meaningful keepsakes or functional items.
  • Repurposing options include DIY projects, transforming old belts into unique displays, donating to others in need, selling, recycling, upcycling, and preserving as mementos.
  • Each repurposing option offers its own benefits, whether it be promoting sustainability, contributing to someone else’s martial arts journey, or incorporating old belts into everyday use.

Repurposing Old Karate Belts for DIY Projects

If you’re feeling crafty and looking for a fun way to repurpose old karate belts, try turning them into unique DIY projects!

One simple idea is to make a karate belt keychain. To do this, cut your belt into a four-inch length and fold it in half. Use a needle and thread to stitch the ends together, leaving a small opening at the top. Slide a keyring through the opening and voila! You have a personalized keychain to show off your martial arts pride.

Another fun option is creating bookmarks out of old karate belts. Cut the belt to the desired length, fold it in half, and secure with glue or stitching. You can even add decorative beads or tassels to the ends for an extra touch.

If you’re feeling more adventurous, try using old karate belts as a decorative trim for clothing or accessories. For example, you can stitch pieces of the belt onto a plain hat or bag to add a pop of color and texture.

With a little creativity, the possibilities are endless. Consider making a personalized picture frame or even a small wall hanging using old karate belts. Your imagination is the only limit!

DIY Karate Belt Keychain

Transforming Old Karate Belts into Unique Keepsakes

If you’re sentimental like me, you may have a hard time parting with your old karate belts even if you’ve outgrown them. Fortunately, there are many ways to preserve and showcase your karate journey through these belts.

One creative option is to create a shadow box display. You can arrange your belts in a visually appealing way and add other memorabilia such as photos or medals to make a personalized and unique piece of wall art. For an added touch, use black belts to anchor the display and highlight your highest rank.

Tip: Be mindful of the materials you use when creating a shadow box display. Avoid acidic paper or cardboard that may damage your belts over time, and use UV-protective glass to prevent fading.

Another option is to frame your karate belts as wall art. This is a great way to showcase a single belt or a specific rank. You can choose a simple frame or opt for a more ornate design to match your decor.

If you prefer a more functional use for your old karate belts, consider creating a belt-based project such as a woven rug or a set of coasters. These projects are not only eco-friendly but also add a touch of personal history to your home decor. Use the colors of your belts to create a unique pattern for your project.

karate belt shadow box display

How to Make a Shadow Box Display:

  1. Choose a shadow box frame that fits your belts and other memorabilia.
  2. Arrange your belts in a visually appealing way. Use neutral-colored backing material such as felt to make the belts pop.
  3. Add other memorabilia such as photos or medals to personalize the display.
  4. Secure everything in place with glue or pins.
  5. Hang the shadow box display on your wall and admire.

Transforming your old karate belts into unique keepsakes is a wonderful way to honor your martial arts journey and add a personalized touch to your home decor. Whether you choose to create a shadow box display, frame your belts as wall art, or repurpose them into a functional item, the possibilities are endless.

Donating Old Karate Belts to Others in Need

Another option for repurposing old karate belts is to donate them to others who may benefit from them. Martial arts schools, community centers, and even individuals who may not have the resources to purchase new belts could use them for their training.

Donating your old belts can have a significant impact on someone else’s martial arts journey. It can encourage them to continue their training and boost their confidence as they progress through their belts.

If you are unsure of where to donate your old belts, reach out to local martial arts schools or community centers to see if they have a need for them. You can also consider reaching out to individuals in local martial arts communities on social media platforms.

By donating your old karate belts, you are not only repurposing them in a meaningful way, but you are also contributing to the growth and development of others in the martial arts community.

donating old karate belts

Selling Old Karate Belts

If you’re looking to make a little extra cash, selling your old karate belts may be an option to consider. There are a few different routes you can take, depending on your preference.

One option is to sell your old belts online through platforms such as eBay or Etsy. Be sure to take clear, high-quality photos and provide detailed descriptions of the belts, including any notable features or markings. Price the belts competitively and factor in shipping costs if necessary.

Another option is to sell your old karate belts within your local martial arts community. Ask your instructor if they know of anyone who may be interested in purchasing the belts. You can also post on martial arts forums or social media groups to gauge interest.

When presenting the belts for sale, consider creating a display or packaging them in a way that highlights their significance and history. Buyers may be more inclined to purchase a belt with a unique story behind it.

What to do with old karate belts

Image source:

Recycling Old Karate Belts

If you’re looking for an environmentally friendly option for your old karate belts, consider recycling them.

One way to recycle old karate belts is to contact your local recycling center. Some centers accept textiles like belts and may have a specific recycling program for them.

Another way to repurpose old karate belts is to use them in other textile projects, such as creating rugs or weaving them into baskets. By upcycling your old belts, you can give them a new life and help reduce waste.

Recycling old karate belts not only benefits the environment but also allows you to be creative and resourceful with materials that would otherwise go to waste.

Recycling Old Karate Belts

Reduce, reuse and recycle – let’s all do our part to create a sustainable future.

Upcycling Old Karate Belts into Functional Items

When it comes to repurposing old karate belts, there are plenty of options for creative and functional projects. One way to give your old belts a new lease on life is to upcycle them into practical items that can be used both inside and outside of the dojo. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Idea Description
Belt straps for bags Transform your old karate belts into sturdy straps for bags, backpacks, or even camera straps. Simply cut your belt to the desired length, add some hardware, and attach to your chosen bag or accessory.
Belted headbands Use your old belts to create unique and stylish headbands. Cut your belt to fit your head size, add some elastic or fabric to the back, and you’ve got a fashionable accessory that’s perfect for workouts or everyday wear.
Belted clothing accents Add some martial arts flair to your wardrobe by using your old belts as decorative accents. Sew them onto the cuffs of a jacket, or use them as trim on jeans or a skirt.
Belts for other uniforms If you or someone you know practices a different martial art that uses belts, repurpose your old karate belts for that purpose instead. It’s a great way to add a personal touch to your gear and show off your martial arts journey.

Upcycling old karate belts into functional items not only gives them a new purpose, but it also helps reduce waste and promotes sustainability. Get creative and see what other ways you can incorporate your old belts into your daily life!

upcycling old karate belts image

Preserving Memories: Keeping Old Karate Belts as Mementos

Old karate belts can hold sentimental value and many practitioners prefer to keep them as mementos.
Preserving the belts is important in ensuring their longevity and sentimental significance.

Storing the belts:

To prevent the belts from deteriorating, it is recommended to store them in a cool, dry place.
Using acid-free paper or a display case can also help protect the belts from dust and light.
Avoid storing the belts in areas with high humidity or fluctuating temperatures as this can cause damage over time.

Cleaning the belts:

It is generally recommended not to clean old karate belts as this can damage or fade the fabric.
If cleaning is necessary, using a soft cloth and mild soap can be a gentle solution.
Be sure to air dry the belts completely before storing them to prevent mildew or musty odors.

Displaying the belts:

There are various ways to display old karate belts as mementos, such as framing them or creating a shadow box display.
Be sure to use acid-free materials and avoid placing the belts in direct sunlight or areas with high humidity.
Displaying the belts in a prominent place can serve as a reminder of the hard work and dedication put into earning them.

preserving old karate belts

“Keeping old karate belts as mementos allows us to reflect on our martial arts journey and remember the lessons we’ve learned along the way.” – Me


As a martial artist, I understand the sentimental value that old karate belts hold. But instead of keeping them stored away in a box, I encourage you to find creative ways to repurpose them. Not only will this give your old belts a new purpose, but it will also allow you to showcase your passion for martial arts in unique and meaningful ways.

Remember, there are various options available to you, from DIY projects to donating or selling your old belts. You can also transform them into keepsakes or upcycle them into functional items. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it aligns with your values and reflects your personal style.

I hope this article has provided you with inspiration and guidance on what to do with your old karate belts. Don’t be afraid to get creative and share your ideas with others. Who knows, you might just spark a new trend in the martial arts community!



